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Howard Lake, MN

Exploring how and why YOU matter.

To matter means to be of importance; have significance.


In 6 Experiences we explored:


  • YOUR mattering as an individual, care partner and team member

  • Why your story YOU create about YOURSELF as well as the stories we tell each other matter.

  • How You can support the mattering of people living with Dementia.

  • Why mattering can make all the difference to YOU in uncertain and challenging times.

  • How YOUR mattering leads to better experiences and outcomes in YOUR personal and work life.


The Humans Growing Humans Model provided transformational experiences which created a safe and guided place to explore and learn. We held 6 In-Person Sessions for Frontline Staff and 6 In-Person Sessions for Leadership.  Sessions ranged from 1-4 hours and provided an interactive and interpersonal experience to explore and understand old and new ways of being.  Continuous learning and support was given via texting.  We also provided individual support through texting and one on one sessions.


Good Samaritan Society - Howard Lake
Community and Participants

Howard Lake is a Long Term Care Facility.  The community is in a small town in Central MN.  The program was funded through a PIPP Grant.  The core of the program spanned a 3 month time frame.  We had 30 attendees with 1 attendee resigning during the program. The initial survey had 14 participants responded, with 15 respondents completing the final survey.


Participants included the following departments: Dietary, Activities, Environmental Services, Social Services, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Nursing Assistants and Admin Staff.

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Execution of Program

6 Separate sessions were held for Front Line staff and Leadership and concluded with a Graduation celebration held for everyone.


Sessions were held 2-4 weeks apart and ranged from 1-4 hrs in duration. 


We initially set the program up to have both in person and virtual sessions.  It was determined that for this community the virtual option was not impactful nor provided the necessary space to connect. 


Continuous Learning Cycle – Synchronous & Asynchronous Learning is where each session builds off the other and participants are given visual observational assignments in between to build their skill set by including the new learning into practice.  The natural curiosity that comes from our own discovery’s always leads us to the next level learning.


Objective: Humans growing humans – Leaders growing leaders.

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Experience - Topics

The model provides experiences around:

  • Personality types and how to support self, 

  • How we move through change as humans

  • How the stories we tell ourselves impacts the way we see, support and feel about each other.  

  • Understanding the difference between Intent vs Impact 

  • Learning how to align against the problem, instead of each of us becoming the problem.

  • Learning how to design alliances with each other that helps us work together

  • Gaining an understanding about the journey our families travel and recognizing how the stories we tell ourselves impact the support we provide.

  • Learn how to design alliances with our families to better support each other.

  • Explore the Human Experience of Dementia through Teepa Snows Positive Approach to Care and gain the skills to work with what people living with Dementia have left instead of what they lost.

  • New language and skills around how to have hard conversations, ask for what we need, and the ability to circle back around and clean up some of the unintended impact we have on each other.

  • Leadership learned how elevate their skills by understanding how to lead from within, lead teams, and lead others.

  • The most important result of this ongoing experience was that it taught us how to see, understand and trust each other.

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Pre & Post Data Collection

The survey shows that there was an increase satisfaction with the way participants perceived their ability to communicate, work together and solve conflict improved.  


They also felt more engaged.  50% of the Participants indicated that they were less likely to leave the company in the next 12-18 months because of this experience!


We were thrilled to see the results of this experience, however, there was one result that surprised us. "How much do you feel like you matter at home?"  This actually decreased by the end of the experience, and based on the conversations I had throughout the journey, I believe there is a direct correlation with participants increase in self worth and how much they feel like they matter and an increase in their ability to create new boundaries and expectations at home.


Behavioral Change Percentage Measurement Tool

Until now, we haven't been able to measure the impact of these trainings except for participant satisfaction and feedback. Now the Neuroleadership Institute has developed a way for us to measure the behavioral change the participants exhibit.


We can quantify the impact to justify the investment in education and reflect the value of how it impacts our human operating system and the sustainability of the information.


The charts below show that the participants of the

Matter-ography program had 100% behavioral change, which means that the information they experienced, has impacted them to the point they are using and sharing the information with others.  


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When people are doing and talking about the models and tools, they are also behaving differently.

These charts indicate how many times people have used or talked about the information they obtained through this experience either at work or home.



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Conflict Resolution

One of the most talked about areas of distress was conflict. Our post evaluation showed that participants felt 70% more confident in their ability to resolve conflicts with the skills they learned.. 


Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The NPS is a customer loyalty and satisfaction measurement taken from asking customers how likely they are to recommend your product or service to others on a scale of 0-10.   The NPS measurement helps us measure the impact of our sessions.


This experience rated an 8 out of 10 likelihood to be recommend to others.


Participant Responses

If you were to tell a colleague what this program has done for you what would you tell them?

  • To understand people better

  • Less stress

  • It opens your eyes 

  • Help you know and work better together

  • Inspiring 

  • How to respond better to others. 

  • Good Self Awareness 

  • This is definitely worthwhile for not only yourself but all staff!

  • Its ok to be open and vulnerable


What else would you like us to know?

  • Thank you for everything!

  • You did a great job opening our eyes 

  • It was a good course

  • This has been a very beneficial journey for me, both personally and for my work life. Thank you!!

  • It helps me deal with dementia residents 

  • I wish i would have been able to attend more of the sessions



Understanding our human operating system and the best way to support self and others in a way that serves, protects and reduces stress is the antidote for burnout and career ending stories.  


We empowered people with the knowledge  and vocabulary they needed to understand themselves better, the ability and permission to ask themselves different questions, and the ability to enhance the connections with others.


The impact the experience had on the participants home life was not something that was measured separately, however we have gotten so many reports and stories about the different things they have brought home and either taught their family or the tools they used to solve family conflicts and design alliances when appropriate. WOW

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